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Photo: Rishi Sanyalīelow we look at just how malleable the 5D Mark IV's Raw files are, and on the next page we'll assess the 'ISO-invariance' of the camera, the property that allowed for the capture of the above image without noise penalty. All thanks to a high dynamic range sensor. Pushing shadows 4 EV in post, while holding back highlights, I was able to tone-map the scene to my desired vision, without tones becoming too noisy. In order to ensure I didn't blow any of the sky, I kept my ISO down at 140, despite a meter reading suggesting ISO 2200 for a 'proper' exposure. In M mode I dialed in a wide-open aperture and the shutter speed necessary to freeze the action (1/640s). This Nikon D810 shot was exposed for the highlights by keeping ISO near base. In turn, this means more malleable Raw files with more useful information available when you try to brighten shadows, allowing you in turn to more confidently expose high contrast scenes, like the one below, for the highlights. The lower 'hum' means its easier to distinguish between captured information and background noise in areas of low signal.

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This design ensures less noise is added to the analog signal captured by the sensor by digitizing * as early as possible, resulting in lower read noise, which you can think of as background amplifier hum. It's been a long time coming for Canon, as placing the ADCs on the imaging chip itself is a staple of modern sensor design. We're happy to report that the 5D Mark IV represents a major leap forward in this regard for Canon, and it's thanks to the same move to on-chip analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) that the 1D X II and 80D saw. Back when we were briefed by Canon about its update to one of the most popular line of digital SLRs in existence, Canon told us that dynamic range was one of the top concerns of current 5D-series owners.

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