It supports almost popular audio format, such as mp3, m4a, wma etc.

MP3 Gain is designed specifically to adjust and normalize the volume of audio files. In itunes i got songs imported from cd how would i get them back on itunes after doing track gain. Question: Q: Question about Mp3Gain After i am done doing track gain on my songs do i have to put the songs back on itunes or do they automatically change. Both versions 2.4 and 2.3.4 are identical, however Apple stopped allowing applications built for MacOS X 10.7 to be notarized so I had to make a separate build for older Macs. V2.4 and v2.3.4 (Using MP3Gain 1.5.2 with AACGain 2.0.0) - Bug fixed: The undo feature was only processing the first file(s) in the list and stopping.

Please, note, that if you would like to normalize audio files of other formats, you have to convert them to MP3 first. As an output, you will have a new MP3 file with an adjusted volume level and applied audio effects. INPUT FORMATS MP3 Normalizer accepts.mp3 and.wav files.