Before he can get an answer, his spider-sense goes off allowing him to narrowly avoid being pelted with garbage that is being thrown by Keever. The wall-crawler rushes down to ask what the danger is. Spider-Man's thoughts are interrupted by the shouts of a man running for his life in the alleyway below. He eats some donuts while he waits and contemplates the idea of doing commercial endorsements. Soon, Peter Parker is back out as Spider-Man watching the alley's behind the Port Authority. He is told about how five homeless people went missing behind the Port Authority building, and it is suspected that they went missing. Although Jameson is not interested in the story, Peter is and asks to know more about it. Jonah Jameson to investigate a story about missing homeless people. The following day, Spider-Man swings across the city to the Daily Bugle to look for work as Peter Parker. Realizing that she is stuck like this for an hour, the two decide to take advantage of the situation for a moment of romance. Deciding to have some fun at his wife's expense, Peter quickly picks up his wife and suspends her off the floor with his webbing. Even so, Mary Jane is still bored and suggests they call their friends and go out somewhere. While at the apartment of Peter Parker and his wife Mary Jane, Peter is trying to convince his wife that he is not going out on patrol as Spider-Man this evening. It is not a moment too soon, as the surface world of the "bad ones" with their loud noises and bright lights bother Keever, who finds comfort in darker domains. Reminding himself of his great strength, Keever picks up the body and carries it back into the sewers in order to present it to his master. Rousing his intended victim Keever strikes him a little too hard, drawing blood. Searching the alley, he comes across a homeless man huddled in the trash attempting to sleep. This victim has to be has to be larger than most of the others.

In a darkened alleyway, a massive slab of a man named Keever emerges from a manhole cover and begins looking for a new victim for his master.

Carl Reed (First and only known appearance) (Daily Bugle employee).

Jim Salicrup Appearing in "Sub-City, Part 1"